The Following Museums in Florida
are accepting Volunteers
for their restoration Projects
Volunteer Coordinator: [email protected]
National Naval Aviation Museum
1750 Radford Blvd., Suite C
Naval Air Station Pensacola, FL 32508
Phone: (850) 452-3604 or (850) 452-3606
Fax: (850) 452-3296
Naval Air Station Sanford Memorial
At the Sanford Orlando Airport
Contact: Sean Mahany at 407-415-1503
Fantasy of Flight - Polk City, Florida (near Orlando,FL)
1400 Broadway Blvd. S.E.
Polk City, FL 33868
National Navy UDT-Seal Museum (Fort Pierce, FL)
3300 North A1A, North Hutchinson Island
Fort Pierce, Florida 34949
(772) 595-5845
Valiant Air Command Warbird Museum (Titusville, FL)
Featuring aircraft WW1 to Desert Storm
Aircraft Restorations
Naval Air Station Fort Lauderdale Museum
Currently accepting volunteers for curatorial, cataloging,
and organization of exhibit projects.
No Aircraft restorations are available.