The Vets Helping Heroes Organization evolved from the Boca West VetDogs Fund, a special fund created by a WWII veteran and a Korean War veteran from Florida. Their goal is to provide the financial support for assistance dogs trained by certified professionals for veterans who have served honorably and active duty military personnel injured during service in the U.S. Armed Forces.
These Assistance dogs provide independence and service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. In addition, they are a source of much needed enjoyment as beloved "family members" - running with children, providing comfort for spouses, and the security of knowing that they can even provide such services as predicting an oncoming seizure.
Vets Helping Heroes strives to raise funds to meet the ever-growing needs of veterans and active duty military personnel who experience visual, physical, and/or emotional trauma. Requests from disabled heroes range from dual-trained dogs for balance/stability (physical therapy), retrieval, responders to alarms, and assistance with activities of independent living to Trekker GPS training to therapy dogs for active military personnel - providing emotional support for those who have PTSD and other combat-related challenges.
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