Thank you to the Myers family, relatives of ALBERT BEYER for donating a Congressional Medal of Honor in mint condition, from the Spanish-American War. This donation was in memory of Rev. & Mrs Stacy D. Myers, Jr. Albert Beyer Spanish American War Coxswain, U.S. Navy. Awarded for extraordinary bravery on board the U.S.S. Nashville. May 11, 1898 Citation: On board the U.S.S. Nashville during the cutting of the cable leading from Cienfuegos, Cuba, 11 May 1898. Facing the heavy fire of the enemy, Beyer set an example of extraordinary bravery and coolness throughout this action. Albert Beyer was one of 52 sailors and Marines awarded the Medal for actions during that battle. Albert was born June 13, 1859 in Hanover, Germany. He entered Service at Boston, Massachusetts. Albert died October 29, 1929. He's buried at Mount Moriah Cemetery in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, there are no known photographs of Albert Beyer. |
USS Nashville (PG-7) a gunboat, was the only ship of its class. It was the first of three ships of the United States Navy to hold the name Nashville. Spanish–American War: Upon commissioning, Nashville joined the North Atlantic Fleet; and, as war with Spain became imminent after the sinking of the armored cruiser Maine, she was ordered to the Caribbean. She captured four Spanish vessels from 22 April-26 July 1898, and assisted in cutting the undersea telegraph cable just off the shore of Cienfuegos, where many of her sailors and Marines were honored with Medals of Honor. Nashville remained on duty off Cuba until the war's end. |