Broward County, Florida in support of the
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WHERE: TY Park (Topeekeegee Yugnee), #12 Corporate Shelter
3300 North Park Road, Hollywood, FL 33021
The “4K for AFF” event was created as a service project by the youth of Florida 4-H’s District XIII Council. The Council is comprised of students ages 8 – 18 from Broward, Miami-Dade, and Palm Beach Counties. All proceeds from the event are for the benefit of the ARMED FORCES FOUNDATION. Runners, casual walkers, families, and pets are all welcome to participate. Along with raising funds for AFF, this event is teaching our young people the importance of reaching out to those in need, and teaching them valuable life skills in the process.The Council seeks your help in achieving its goal of raising needed funds for our armed forces as we “serve those who serve us.”
Contact at: [email protected]

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